We look forward to joining the research community in Kosovo for the 2023 edition of the FOSS4G conference. We support the conference and we will present one of our projects.
From 26 June to 2 July in Prizren (Kosovo), the 2023 edition of the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference (FOSS4G2023) will take place, and GeoDataLab is supporting it [1].
The FOSS4G event
The annual global event, organized by OSGeo, is the best way to stay tuned with the latest updates on open-source GIS technologies and geospatial data applications [2].
Since 2006, the FOSS4G event has come a long way, and now it is one of the most renowned global meetings on open-source and geospatial software. This year, the FLOSSK (Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova), a Kosovo NGO promoting free and open source software since 2009, will host the upcoming edition.
The 2023 edition
The event will take place in Prizren, a city set in the foothills of the Sharr Mountains. Prizren was a cultural and trading center and a capital city. Its roads, churches, mosques, and old buildings tell about the city’s history and traditions. The local team looks forward to welcoming the visitors.
GeoDataLab contribution
GeoDataLab is sponsoring the conference [1] and is also contributing to the presentation panels with the CatastoOpen project, developed in conjunction with GeoBeyond.
CatastoOpen is a complete open-source solution that provides the user with cadastral geospatial data management tools [3]. It gives the possibility:
- To store, retrieve and manipulate cadastral data, including property lines.
- To view the cartographic representation of land and buildings, including property lines.
- To view real estate information and other relevant information.
In conclusion
If you want to know more, come to our presentation, or at our stand. We will talk about CatastoOpen software and illustrate its functionalities. In particular, we will show how – thanks to its architecture, community-driven development and scalability, security, and standards compliance factors – CatastoOpen has all the credentials to help those who need to implement solutions for cadastral data administration.
[1] GeoDataLab supporting FOSS4G 2023, https://2023.foss4g.org/sponsors/supporter_geodatalab
[2] OSGeo Wiki about FOSS4G conference, https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G
[3] CatastoOpen GitHub repository, https://github.com/catasto-openhttps://github.com/catasto-open

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